All reports identify sources of data and time periods covered. The following is additional information about various data sources:
Public Data Sources:
Public Use Files are obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and are consistent with CMS Data Release policies.
Financial information from Medicare cost reports is maintained in cooperation with Cost Report Data Resources, an online source for cost report data.
Information regarding Skilled Nursing Facilities is obtained in cooperation with SNFdata Resources, an online source for SNF cost report data and Medicare survey findings.
- Medicare Cost Reports
The Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS) dataset contains the most recent version (i.e. as submitted, settled, reopened) of each cost report filed with CMS since federal FY 1996. The dataset consists of every data element included in the HCRIS extract created for CMS by a provider's Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC).
Cost reports are filed annually by hospitals according to their individual reporting years. This dataset is updated quarterly by CMS.
All reports based on cost report data indicate reporting periods in the column headers.
- Medicare Claims Data - Inpatient
The Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) file contains IPPS billing records for Medicare beneficiaries using hospital inpatient services. [Patient confidentiality is carefully protected and reporting is in compliance with current CMS cell size suppression policy.] The MedPAR Limited Data Set (LDS) is based on discharges during the federal fiscal year ending September 30.
A preliminary file is generally available in April after publication of the proposed PPS rule.
A final file is generally available in early August after publication of the final PPS rule. (PPS rules are based on historical claims data from the fiscal year preceding their publication. For example, the rules for FY2011 are published in FY2010 using data from FY 2009.)
All Inpatient Utilization reports based on MedPAR information indicate the fiscal year period in their headers.
- Medicare Claims Data - Outpatient
The Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) Limited Data Set contains claim records for all Medicare beneficiaries using hospital outpatient services. [Patient confidentiality is carefully protected and reporting is in compliance with current CMS cell size suppression policy.] The final file is usually provided by CMS about one month after publication of the OPPS final rule in late November.
(The OPPS rule is based on historical claims data from the year preceding its publication. For example, the rule for 2011 is published in 2010 using data from 2009.)
All Outpatient Utilization reports based on this information indicate the reporting period in their headers.
- Medicare Provider of Services Listing
The Medicare Provider of Services Listing contains identifying information for each Medicare provider. This information is updated quarterly by CMS.
All reports based on Provider of Services information indicate the update period in their headers.
- Medicare Hospital Service Area File
The Medicare Hospital Service Area File is derived by CMS from the calendar year inpatient claims data. The records contain number of discharges, length of stay, and total charges summarized by provider number and ZIP code of the Medicare beneficiary.
This file is produced annually and is usually available in May.
The Patient Origin report included with Inpatient Utilization reports indicates the period in its header.
- Hospital Compare - Quality Measurements
Hospital quality measurements are based on information from Hospital Compare, a website created through the efforts of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) along with the Hospital Quality Alliance (HQA). The HQA is a public-private collaboration established to promote reporting on hospital quality of care.
Data are obtained quarterly or whenever the Hospital Compare website is updated.
The Quality reports based on Hospital Compare information indicates the period ending date for the 12-month collection period in its header.
- National Provider Identifiers
The National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) collects identifying information on health care providers and assigns each a unique National Provider Identifier (NPI). A file containing NPIs and FOIA-disclosable data is obtained quarterly.
All reports that include NPIs indicate the most recent update period in their headers.
Proprietary Data Sources:
- AHD Data
- American Hospital Directory maintains a proprietary database of hospital names, addresses, phone numbers, websites, and system affiliations. This database is continually updated as new information becomes available and changes occur. Please notify us if you see information that needs to be updated.
- DNV Accreditation Status - DNV Healthcare
- A hospital's accreditation status is obtained from DNV Healthcare and updated on a continuous basis. Header information in the DNV Accreditation section of the Profile report provides the date of the most recent update.
- Accreditation Status - The Joint Commission
A hospital's accreditation status is licensed from The Joint Commission and is updated on a quarterly basis.
Header information in the Joint Commission Accreditation section of the Profile report provides the date of the most recent update.
- Teaching Status
Data regarding ACGME-accredited specialty and subspecialty programs are from the Graduate Medical Education Database, American Medical Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Data are licensed from the AMA and are updated annually.
A hospital's highest level of involvement is reported.
Header information in the Teaching Status section of the Profile report provides the date of the most recent update.
Data regarding major teaching hospitals that are members of the Council of Academic Health System Executives are obtained from the Council of Academic Health System Executives (CAHSE).
Header information in the Teaching Status section of the Profile report provides the date of the most recent update.