Utilization statistics are obtained from a hospital's most recent Medicare cost report. Data are updated on a quarterly basis as more recent information becomes available:
Beds: | W/S S-3, part I, line 7 col 2 |
Revenue: | W/S C, part I, line 30 col 6 Note: Revenue for swing beds is included with other services. |
Inpatient Days: | W/S S-3, part I, line 7-9 (payors) col 6-32 (components) |
Discharges: | W/S S-3, part I, col 15 |
Average Length of Stay: | Calculated: Days / Discharges |
Average Daily Census: | Calculated: Days / 365 |
Gross Medicare Patient Revenue: | Calculated; sum of the following: |
IP Routine (Part A) | W/S D-3, col 2, lines 30-42 |
IP Ancillary (Part A) | W/S D-3, col 2, line 202 |
IP (Part B) | [Not reported since 2004] |
OP Ancillary (Part B) | W/S D, part V, col 2-4, line 202 |
Gross Medicaid Patient Revenue | W/S S-10, col 1, line 6 |
Gross Total Patient Revenue: | Calculated; sum of the following: |
IP Patient Revenue | W/S G-2, part I, col 1, line 28 |
OP Patient Revenue | W/S G-2, part I, col 2, line 28 |
Gross Other Patient Revenue: | Calculated: Total - Medicare - Medicaid |
Utilization statistics are obtained from a hospital's most recent Medicare cost report. Data are updated on a quarterly basis as more recent information becomes available:
Beds: | W/S S-3, part I, col 1 |
Revenue: | W/S C, part I, col 6 Note: Revenue for swing beds is included with other services. |
Inpatient Days: | W/S S-3, part I, col 4-6 |
Discharges: | W/S S-3, part I, col 15 |
Average Length of Stay: | Calculated: Days / Discharges |
Average Daily Census: | Calculated: Days / 365 |
Gross Medicare Patient Revenue: | Calculated; sum of the following: |
IP Routine (Part A) | W/S D-4, col 2, lines 25-31 |
IP Ancillary (Part A) | W/S D-4, col 2, line 103 |
IP (Part B) | W/S D, part V, col 10, line 104 |
OP Ancillary (Part B) | W/S D, part V, col 2-5.02, line 104 |
Gross Medicaid Patient Revenue | W/S S-10, col 1, line 28 |
Gross Total Patient Revenue: | Calculated; sum of the following: |
IP Patient Revenue | W/S G-2, part I, col 1, line 25 |
OP Patient Revenue | W/S G-2, part I, col 2, line 25 |
Gross Other Patient Revenue: | Calculated: Total - Medicare - Medicaid |