
Profile Definitions and Methodology

Estimated Patient Volumes

HCRIS version

Patient volumes are estimated using data from a hospital's most recent Medicare Cost Report, Medicare inpatient claims data (MedPAR), and Medicare outpatient claims data (OPPS).  Estimates are rounded to the nearest hundred.

Inpatient Surgeries = MedicareSurgeries / (MedicareDischarges / TotalDischarges)

MedicareSurgeries =
number of Medicare inpatient claims for surgical DRGs (MedPAR)

MedicareDischarges =
total number of Medicare discharges per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 14, column 13)

TotalDischarges =
total number of discharges (all payors) per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 14, column 15)

Outpatient Surgeries = MedicareSurgeries / (MedicareDays / TotalDays)

MedicareSurgeries =
number of Medicare outpatient claims with revenue code 360 or 361 (OPPS)

MedicareDays =
total Medicare patient days per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 7, column 6)

TotalDays =
total patient days (all payors) per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 7, column 8)

Births = NurseryDays / AvgLOS

NurseryDays =
number of patient days for nursery per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 13, column 8)

AvgLOS =
 national average length of stay for normal newborns (MS-DRG 795) and prematurity without major problems (MS-DRG 792) = 2.0*

*per AHRQ/HCUP statistics for year 2018 (most current available as of 8/8/2022).

Outpatient Visits = MedicareClaims / (MedicareDays / TotalDays)

MedicareClaims =
total number of Medicare outpatient claims (OPPS)

MedicareDays =
total Medicare patient days per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 7, column 6)

TotalDays =
total patient days (all payors) per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 7, column 8)

Emergency Room Visits (not admitted) = MedicareERClaims / (MedicareDays / TotalDays)

MedicareERClaims =
total number of Medicare outpatient claims with revenue code 45x (OPPS)

MedicareDays =
total Medicare patient days per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 7, column 6)

TotalDays =
total patient days (all payors) per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 7, column 8)

Emergency Room Visits (admitted) = MedicareIPClaimsWithER / (MedicareDischarges / TotalDischarges)

MedicareIPClaimsWithER =
Number of Medicare inpatient claims with charges for emergency services (MedPAR)

MedicareDischarges =
total number of Medicare discharges per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 14, column 13)

TotalDischarges =
total number of discharges (all payors) per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 14, column 15)


Patient volumes are estimated using data from a hospital's most recent Medicare Cost Report, Medicare inpatient claims data (MedPAR), and Medicare outpatient claims data (OPPS).  Estimates are rounded to the nearest hundred.

Inpatient Surgeries = MedicareSurgeries / (MedicareDischarges / TotalDischarges)

MedicareSurgeries =
number of Medicare inpatient claims for surgical DRGs (MedPAR)

MedicareDischarges =
total number of Medicare discharges per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 12, column 13)

TotalDischarges =
total number of discharges (all payors) per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 12, column 15)

Outpatient Surgeries = MedicareSurgeries / (MedicareDays / TotalDays)

MedicareSurgeries =
number of Medicare outpatient claims with revenue code 360 or 361 (OPPS)

MedicareDays =
total Medicare patient days per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 5, column 4)

TotalDays =
total patient days (all payors) per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 5, column 6)

Births = NurseryDays / AvgLOS

NurseryDays =
number of patient days for nursery per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 11, column 6)

AvgLOS =
 national average length of stay for normal newborns (MS-DRG 795) and prematurity without major problems (MS-DRG 792) = 1.8*

*per AHRQ/HCUP statistics for year 2020 (most current available as of 3/6/2024).

Outpatient Visits = MedicareClaims / (MedicareDays / TotalDays)

MedicareClaims =
total number of Medicare outpatient claims (OPPS)

MedicareDays =
total Medicare patient days per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 5, column 4)

TotalDays =
total patient days (all payors) per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 5, column 6)

Emergency Room Visits (not admitted) = MedicareERClaims / (MedicareDays / TotalDays)

MedicareERClaims =
total number of Medicare outpatient claims with revenue code 45x (OPPS)

MedicareDays =
total Medicare patient days per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 5, column 4)

TotalDays =
total patient days (all payors) per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 5, column 6)

Emergency Room Visits (admitted) = MedicareIPClaimsWithER / (MedicareDischarges / TotalDischarges)

MedicareIPClaimsWithER =
Number of Medicare inpatient claims with charges for emergency services (MedPAR)

MedicareDischarges =
total number of Medicare discharges per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 12, column 13)

TotalDischarges =
total number of discharges (all payors) per the hospital's most recent cost report (W/S S-3, part 1, line 12, column 15)