
Quality Definitions and Methodology


HBIPS-2. Hours of physical-restraint use
HBIPS-3. Hours of seclusion
IMM-2. Influenza immunization
MedCoPsy. Medication Continuation Following Inpatient Psychiatric Discharge
READM-30-IPF. Patients readmitted to any hospital within 30 days of discharge from the inpatient psychiatric facility
SMD. Screening for metabolic disorders
SUB-2. Alcohol use brief intervention provided or offered
SUB-2A. Alcohol use brief intervention received
SUB-3. Alcohol and other drug use disorder treatment provided or offered at discharge
SUB-3A. Alcohol and other drug use disorder treatment receieved
TOB-3. Tobacco use treatment provided or offered at discharge
TOB-3A. Tobacco use treatment received at discharge
TR1. Transition record with specified elements received by discharged patients
TR2. Timely transmission of transition record
FUH-30. Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness within 30 days
FUH-7. Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness within 7 days