- AHD Apps
- Provider Analysis
Provider Analysis

Some people have been surprised to discover the wealth of physician information available from Medicare claims data. The Provider Analysis app provides easy access to utilization statistics for every physician who attends more than 10 patients during a 12 month period. It also provides handy analytical tools to filter, analyze, sort, and compare the data. Data are derived for the most recent 12 month period available from the CMS Standard Analytical File (SAF) and are consistent with CMS Data Release policies.
A main report lists physicians by name along with their key utilization measures (e.g. cases, days, ALOS, ICU ALOS, CMI, and DRG complication rate). It also reports total charges, payment, and cost (as calculated for each patient on the basis of ratios of costs to charges for routine services and ancillary areas). Physicians can also be listed by medical service (e.g. Cardiology, Orthopedic Surgery, etc.). The list can be sequenced in ascending or descending order for any of the data reported. Search windows are also provided to enable looking up an individual physician by NPI Number or name.
Physicians listed on the main report can be clicked to introduce a popup with other important information such as office address and taxonomy (e.g. primary specialty). The popup also lists the data on the main report by Base MS-DRG for those with more than 10 patients.