Ambulatory Surgery Center Profiler

  • Use of this app implies acceptance of App License Agreement.
  • Medicare Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System Limited Data Set for the Final Rule calendar year ending 12/31/2023.
  • NPI information last updated 01/12/2025.
  • Provider of Services file for cutoff 12/12/2024.
  • Quality data as posted on 01/13/2025.
  • How to use this App

Identification and Characteristics

Name and Address###
###, ###  ###
County (FIPS code)### - ###
CBSA### - ###
Urban / Rural###
Latitude / Longitude### / ###
Facility ID###
Enumeration Date###
Operating Status###
Fiscal Year Ends###
Primary Taxonomy###
Secondary Taxonomies###
Operating Rooms###

Services Provided


Utilization by Procedure

  • Definitions
HCPCS Code Description Subsection Procedure Type Allowed
### ### ### ###
### ### Digestive Colon and Rectum - Colonoscopy ### ###
### ### ### ###
### ### Musculoskeletal Endoscopy / Arthroscopy ### ###
### ### Nervous System Nerve Block - Somatic Nerves ### ###
### ### Nervous System Nerve Block - Neurolytic Agent, Somatic and Sympathetic Nerves ### ###
### ### Digestive Colon and Rectum - Colonoscopy ### ###
### ### Nervous System Nerve Block - Paravertebral Spinal Nerves and Branches ### ###
### ### Digestive Esophagus - EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy) ### ###
### ### Digestive Colon and Rectum - Colorectal cancer screening; colonoscopy at high risk ### ###
### ### Digestive Colon and Rectum -Colorectal cancer screening; colonoscopy not at high risk ### ###
### ### Musculoskeletal Endoscopy / Arthroscopy ### ###
### ### Musculoskeletal Endoscopy / Arthroscopy ### ###
### ### Nervous System Nerve Block - Paravertebral Spinal Nerves and Branches ### ###
### ### ### ###
### ### Digestive Esophagus - EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy) ### ###
### ### Nervous System Nerve Block - Neuroplasty ### ###
### ### Musculoskeletal Endoscopy / Arthroscopy ### ###
### ### Nervous System Nerve Block - Neurolytic Agent, Somatic and Sympathetic Nerves ### ###
### ### Digestive Esophagus - Laparoscopy ### ###
### ### Digestive Injection for sacroiliac; anesthesia, steroid and/or other therapeutic agent ### ###
### ### Musculoskeletal Hand and Fingers - Incision, Excision, Introduction,Removal ### ###
### ### Nervous System Spine and Spinal Cord - Injection, Drainage, or Aspiration ### ###
### ### Nervous System Nerve Block - Somatic Nerves ### ###
### ### ### ###

Utilization by Subsection

Subsection Allowed
Digestive ### ###
Nervous System ### ###
Musculoskeletal ### ###

Utilization by Procedure Type

Procedure Type Allowed
Colon and Rectum - Colonoscopy ### ###
Endoscopy / Arthroscopy ### ###
Nerve Block - Somatic Nerves ### ###
Nerve Block - Paravertebral Spinal Nerves and Branches ### ###
Nerve Block - Neurolytic Agent, Somatic and Sympathetic Nerves ### ###
Esophagus - EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy) ### ###
Colon and Rectum - Colorectal cancer screening; colonoscopy at high risk ### ###
Colon and Rectum -Colorectal cancer screening; colonoscopy not at high risk ### ###
Nerve Block - Neuroplasty ### ###
Esophagus - Laparoscopy ### ###
Injection for sacroiliac; anesthesia, steroid and/or other therapeutic agent ### ###
Hand and Fingers - Incision, Excision, Introduction,Removal ### ###
Spine and Spinal Cord - Injection, Drainage, or Aspiration ### ###

Utilization by Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC)

APC Code Description Allowed
5163 ### ### ###
5073 ### ### ###
5164 ### ### ###
5302 ### ### ###
5442 ### ### ###
5112 ### ### ###
5155 ### ### ###
5311 ### ### ###
5301 ### ### ###
5113 ### ### ###
5431 ### ### ###
5443 ### ### ###
5114 ### ### ###
5312 ### ### ###
5115 ### ### ###
### ### ###
### ### ###


Measure Rate State National
Rate Avg Median Rate Avg Median
ASC-1 - Patient Burn ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
ASC-2 - Patient Fall ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
ASC-3 - Wrong Site, Wrong Side, Wrong Patient, Wrong Procedure, Wrong Implant ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
ASC-4 - All-Cause Hospital Transfer/Admission ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
ASC-9 - Endoscopy/Polyp Surveillance: Appropriate Follow-Up Interval for Normal Colonoscopy in Average Risk Patients ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
ASC-11 - Cataracts: Improvement in Patient's Visual Function within 90 Days Following Cataract Surgery ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
ASC-13 - Normothermia ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
ASC-14 - Unplanned Anterior Vitrectomy ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
Measure Rate Interval
Lower Upper
ASC-12 - Facility 7-Day Risk-Standardized Hospital Visit Rate after Outpatient Colonoscopy ### ### ###

Patient Survey

Survey question Measure Percent Measure Percent Measure Percent Score
No Data are available for this facility.